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Community Christmas Parade & Christmas Bazaar

Cedarville Community Christmas Parade is scheduled for Saturday, December 1st at 1:00 pm. Entries will line up at Cedarville High School and the parade route will be from the High School down the hill and around the football field and Elementary School, and end in the area of the Rock School Building and the Public Library. There will be prizes for the best entries! Immediately following the parade, Santa will make an appearance at the Community Association’s Christmas Bazaar.  Santa will be visiting with children and handing out goody bags. The Bazaar will be in the Elementary Safe Room this year from 8 am to 5 pm. There will be all types of vendors and lunch will be available for $5 consisting of soup, dessert, and drink. For more info, contact Kay Neal 479-652-9738 or Mavis Lawson 479-652-0552.