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Q&A with Cedarville School Board Members

I recently reached out to the outstanding individuals entrusted with overseeing educational opportunities for students in our school district. The Cedarville School Board consists of five members, with each member serving five year terms.

Rodney Dickens – Vice President

ML: Tell us about yourself.

RD: I’m born and raised in Crawford County. Attended Alma schools K- 9, transferred to Van Buren in the 10th grade and graduated in 1991. I met Gail in 1992 and she was a class of 91 Cedarville Graduate. We married in 1993 and lived in the Cedarville area, 25 years of marriage later with 2 great kids we are still here, it’s home. I loved coaching little league. I have a bond with some of those kids that will forever be there. Some of the best times of my life.

ML: What motivated you to become a school board member?

RD: I’ve enjoyed watching my kids and their friends grow up here. I’ve grown so attached to this community and the school plays the most important part in a child’s life. How could you not want to be a part of that.

ML: Is the board member experience different than what you expected? If so, how?

RD: It’s a challenging position for anyone to hold but it’s worth it if you stay focused on who is the most affected by the decisions that are being made regarding the growth and well being of our school.

ML: What are common misconceptions people have about the roles and responsibilities of board members?

RD: I’d say a common misconception is that the board members are involved in the every decision made in the day to day operations or that they are on the hiring committee and decide job placement. Think of this as a multi million dollar business and with any business you have a CEO and a board of directors to work jointly together to help the business grow and succeed. The school is the heart and soul of Cedarville and I want nothing more than for it to continue to be a place where you want your kids to go.

ML: What music are you listening to right now?

RD: Sports talk 96.3

Robert Neal – Secretary

ML: Tell us about yourself.

RN:I was born and raised right here in Cedarville and a graduate of Cedarville High School. The only extended time away from Cedarville was a four-year enlistment in the US Army, being stationed in Seoul, Korea and Fort Hood, Texas. I have a bachelor’s from University of Arkansas Fort Smith and currently work in Manufacturing. I am blessed to be married to my wife Kim and have three children. Our oldest son Drew lives and works in Northwest Arkansas, our middle age daughter Kaelyn is currently in the nursing program at the University of Central Arkansas, and our youngest daughter Regan is a Freshman at Cedarville High School. We are members of the First Baptist Church in Cedarville, teaching children’s bible school on Sunday mornings and youth groups on Wednesday nights. My wife and I are also the Baptist Vista Church Camp leaders for our church. When I am not working, or chasing the kids for ballgames or programs, or at the church, or helping with the Cedarville Little League Basketball program, I enjoy spending time with my wife, kids, and great nieces and nephews. After all that, I enjoy working in some hunting time during the fall.

ML: What motivated you to become a school board member?

RN: The salary of course. Just kidding!! All joking aside, it is all about giving back and helping plan for the progressive future of the children in our district. Think about this. What would Cedarville be without a school district? That is an interesting thought. It was not too long ago, okay maybe it was, when Cedarville was in the discussion of consolidation. I am glad that never happened. Now in my second term, eighth year, as a board member, my motivation was, and still is, to keep the school district progressing forward and improving. When I was elected, Cedarville School District was doing great things. Cedarville is still doing great things but still has room for improvement. I have always said, Cedarville is not a perfect school district and there is no such thing as a perfect school district. The main thing is to keep progressing forward and keep improving, good will become great, great will become amazing. Cedarville is the hidden gem in Crawford County and I will always defend that statement. The main thing for me, it is not about my kid in the school, it is about our children in the school district. I enjoy being a part of a school board team that ensures every child is getting the education and tools they need to be a productive citizen when they leave CHS to enter college, the workforce, or whatever they choose to do. Let’s face it, our community, county, and state are in dire need for skilled labor. In the past, every school has been laser focused on giving our children the skills and tools they need to enter college. Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that but not every child is going to enroll in college straight out of high school. We must keep that laser focus but close the gap between college readiness and skilled labor readiness.

ML: Is the board member experience different than what you expected? If so, how?

RN: Yes, both positive and negative experiences. There is a lot to learn as a board member and the state does a great job with required training for new and existing board members. It is always a pleasure to see the school improvements and programs that you were a part of that directly impacts all the students. You need to have some thick skin and broad shoulders because there is no lack of criticism or false accusations when it comes to being a board member. I just wish everyone realized that not every happening or change in the school was decided by the school board.

ML: What are common misconceptions people have about the roles and responsibilities of board members?

RN: Great question. People think that since you are a board member then you can fix their personal problems or issues with the school or school employees. They do not realize that each board member is just one-fifth of the decision-making body. Numerous times I have instructed people to address their concerns or issues with the school employee and/or the administration. The school needs to hear if there are legitimate issues because that communication is the only way to properly address those. Another misconception, people think that board members just show up once a month to have secret or nontransparent meetings. There is a lot more involved than just one, open, public meeting a month. Board members have additional meetings when required and must complete a certain amount of training each year for the Arkansas Department of Education which requires some traveling. The biggest misconception is people think the school board does all the hiring and firing. The school board has a great working relationship with the superintendent and makes decisions based on recommendations from the superintendent. Just remember, I am always available to answer any question you may have. I would rather have the opportunity to answer your question directly or get you to the right person at the school rather than seeing a lot of misinformation on social media.

ML: What music are you listening to right now?

RN: Listening to a Stone Temple Pilot song, mixing in some Alice in Chains and Soundgarden. Glad you did not ask an hour ago, it would have been some Disco…..HAHA!!!!

Stacey Shelly

ML: Tell us about yourself.

SS: I am a single mother of 4 amazing children and 5 beautiful grandchildren. I am from the Class of 1989 of Cedarville High School. I am a member and Sunday School teacher at Cedarville First Assembly. I am a deputy clerk in the Crawford County clerk’s office in Van Buren, Ar. I love to watch sports!! Anyone who knows me knows that I am my kids biggest fan and cheerleader!! I am the loudest parent in the stands! I support my children with anything they try to accomplish, of course within reason. Haha. I love to talk about Jesus! He is the reason I am where I am at today!

ML: What motivated you to become a school board member?

SS: I believe what motivated me the most to run for school board was to support our kids in getting an amazing education. I believe that’s what we need to strive for. To make sure that our kids in our school district get every chance possible to have the opportunity to make friends for life, to build a better educational system, to be just as confident in themselves as we were growing up. Some of my greatest friendships came from my days at Cedarville High School. Those will always be important to me!!

ML: Is the board member experience different than what you expected? If so, how?

SS: My experience as a school board member is not much different than what I expected it would be. As many know my father, Jerry Shelly, was on the school board for 20 years. I learned a lot from my dad during those 20 years. I watched him lose friends and gain friends. I watched how people you thought were friends were no longer there. But through those 20 years I never saw my dad lose sight on what was the most important thing and that was the students. He always done what was right for each and every student that went to Cedarville. I have seen for myself those same things. I want to do what is best for Cedarville School District.

ML: What are common misconceptions people have about the roles and responsibilities of board members?

SS: There is a lot behind the scenes that people don’t realize is there til becoming a board member. We are there to back our Superintendent and to do what is the best thing for our schools. Is everyone going to always agree? Uh, NO. You are just one member of a board and we are not going to all agree on everything. That’s why we have to be level headed and be able to listen to all sides of any situation to make the best decision for our school. It may not always be, in our minds, the best, but it has to be the most appropriate decision depending on the situation. And not every situation is the same. That you learn in the very beginning. There is no glamorization in being a school board member. It is a very tough job. It is an elected position with no pay. Therefore you definitely want someone that will do, to the best of their power, what is best for the students and faculty of your school district.

ML: What music are you listening to right now?

SS: What music am I listening to right now, well I never go anywhere without my Zach Williams or Lauren Daigle CD’s. Not gonna lie sometimes I do throw in a little Prince, Purple Rain!!

Jerry Kennedy

ML: Tell us about yourself.

JK: I’ve been married to Lisa Kennedy for 15 years now, we have 2 boys – Micah who is 8 and Isaiah who is 14. I own my own business – Custom Marble. For hobbies, I love being outdoors, any type of hunting, fishing, I’ve even took up golf which I never thought I would do. I also help out a lot at church with anything that needs to be done. I love helping with all of our outreaches we do at Cedarville first assembly. I enjoy being on the school board making sure our kids get every opportunity we can give them. I graduated Cedarville in 91. Our school has done amazing things since that time and I want to see us continue to grow and provide more for our kids and community.

ML: What motivated you to become a school board member?

JK: Someone asked if I had ever thought about becoming a board member; I hadn’t but started thinking about it and wanted to be more involved and be a part of our school district and make sure kids get the education and all other opportunities we can provide them with. I’ve always been a pirate. #pprd

ML: Is the board member experience different than what you expected? If so, how?

JK: Being a board member is not different than I expected it to be, although you never stop learning more every year with all the training we have to take. You learn new ideas and what and how all the surrounding school districts are doing things. We just have to find the ones that fit our district the best.

ML: What are common misconceptions people have about the roles and responsibilities of board members?

JK: A lot of the misconceptions made by the public are calling us about problems without talking to the building principal or teacher or superintendent first and going through due process. We are all glad to help with all matters, just need to go through administration first, and they think we can fix anything. The state has the biggest role in what we can and can’t do. We do our best for all the kids – they are what it is all about.

ML: What music are you listening to right now?

JK: Country music