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Cedarville City Council Q&A

All council members are running unopposed, except for Tim Breshears, whose opposing candidate is Darren Langley. I have been unable to contact Darren, so Darren, if you are reading this – please contact me and I will add you to this article – it’s not too late!

Roger Johnson

ML: Tell me about yourself.

RJ: I’m married to Barbara Wood Johnson and we have 3 daughters, and 5 grandchildren. I am a member of Lone Pine 88 Freewill Baptist Church where I play bass with the worship team. I am also Board President and member of District 4 Volunteer Fire Department. I own Quality Rentals in Fort Smith.

ML: What motivated you to become a city council member?

RJ: I became a council member to work in improving the community. I feel that the present council and mayor have made progress in assuring that all moneys are used to benefit the citizens. One example is the road conditions, we have paved several over the past year and are working toward improving the others. It is a costly process and has to be done over time but every gain is a step in the right direction.  I also am working with the Fire Chief to list and prioritize the needs of the fire department so that the necessary improvements can be made in order to get the homeowners insurance rates as low as possible.

ML: What do you see as the most pressing issue in our community?

RJ: I think roads seem to be of the most concern of our citizens. As I mentioned, improvements are being made in stages. We based the road improvements on the city population on each road and hopefully will be able to complete the work needed soon.

ML: How do you handle requests or complaints, if approached, by individuals or special interest groups?

RJ: I am open to any questions or comments from citizens. I will take any concerns to the council but always encourage the citizen to come to the council meetings and share any concerns or questions  themselves so they can communicate with the entire board.

ML: If you could interview anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

RJ: If I could talk with anyone it would be my father-in-law, Jimmy Wood. He was born in Cedarville and lived his life here. He believed in neighbors helping neighbors, family came first and you treated people right. I learned many things from him such as, always look at the big picture, every decision you make can have effects in years to come. Our grandchildren are the 6th generation to live in Cedarville and I want them to be as proud of it as he was.

KC McClendon

ML: Tell me about yourself.

KM: I like to travel and meet new people and see new places and hang out with family and friends.

ML: What motivated you to become a city council member?

KM: This is my home town and I wanted to contribute to the community.

ML: What do you see as the most pressing issue in our community?

KM: Stray dogs and yard clean up seem to be what most people have complained about at the meetings.

ML: How do you handle requests or complaints, if approached, by individuals or special interest groups?

KM: I collect all information from them and  talk with the Mayor and other council members at the next meeting.

ML: If you could interview anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

KM: My grandmother on my moms side.  Just to have another talk.  Great lady.

Jon Odom

ML: Tell me about yourself.

JO: Hello my name is Jonathan Odom. I was born in Crawford county and have lived most of my life in the Cedarville area. I have a beautiful wife Sabra, and we have two daughters and a son. We enjoy the lake life with friends along with hunting, school sports, and pretty much up for trying anything that looks to be fun.

ML: What motivated you to become a city council member?

JO: My motivation for running for office came from what I saw to be a local government that I felt was “ Out of Control” I along with others felt very frustrated in the way our city was being ran. I was hoping to get involved and try to make a difference. I am very proud of how our community and it’s board along with our mayor have come together, making I feel are some great strides for our city. I’m thankful for the school working with us to provide a R.S.O. for our students and faculty. I am very proud of our police department with Mr. Howard doing an outstanding job. Hats off to Mr. Rossin for leading the fire department. Our I. S. O. Rating is very important and it helps save money on everyone’s home insurance.

ML: What do you see as the most pressing issue in our community?

JO: I believe our roads are one of our biggest issues, we as a city are making great strides. We are trying to get our roads chipped and sealed that will eventually cut back on cost and maintenance. Marlin and his crew do the best they can with what we have. It will take some time but we are gaining ground. My hat is off to our secretary Mrs. Cook and Mayor Mark Isenhower whom I feel are never thanked enough.

ML: How do you handle requests or complaints, if approached, by individuals or special interest groups?

JO: I know we can never please everyone, but I’m always willing to listen and try to find a solution. I hope that the future of our little town is a safe, and bright one.

ML: If you could interview anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

JO: I was asked if I could interview anyone dead or alive, whom would it be? I honestly don’t know, lol I’m guessing from the great minds of time, to funny comedians who make me laugh. It’s all good to me.

Tim Breshears

ML: Tell me about yourself.

TB: I live in Cedarville with my wife Brenda Hammontree Breshears and our two dogs Moose and Festus.  We love spending time with our family and friends.   We enjoy traveling and seeing this great countryside.

ML: What motivated you to become a city council member?

TB: We moved from West Uniontown to be nearer to town and be a part of this community.  We began attending City Council Meetings to be aware of what was was happening in our town and it was then that I decided to become involved and the best way to do that was to become an Alderman to try to make a difference for the people in Cedarville.

ML: What do you see as the most pressing issue in our community?

TB: I agree with many of the other citizens about the issue of our town’s appearance as seen by folks traveling through. I also see issue with the amount of animals being dumped on our streets.  Both of these issues fall under what I see as a lack of pride of ownership.

ML: How do you handle requests or complaints, if approached, by individuals or special interest groups?

TB: I have been approached by citizens with suggestions, complaints and it is my practice to look at each individually and take this to the council to try to research and find a viable solution for all.

ML: If you could interview anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

TB: If I had the opportunity, I would like to sit down and visit with Danny Thomas, the Founder of St Jude’s, to thank him for taking care of the children in our country whose lives have been affected by cancer.